Sorry Sorry Sorry..
Too busy with college works..
But from now i will try update until recent happenings. =)
As i promise..
I will be blogging about Chan BallBall geh birthday post.. xD
Here is how this ballball geh surprise at college.
We meet up early morning because Terence have to pass YenYee's cake to me, PuiYing and Meng Tsu.
Terence went class as usual and three of us bring the cake to canteen1, which the surprise for Yenyee gonna happen.
We waited for kinda long i guess..
Before YiTheng joined us.
Then things getting more and more Complicated. lol.
No need to know what i meant. xD
Terence text us asking us to get ready after their class finish.
We all dah la darn nervous and everyone in the canteen1 looking at us.
Cause we are the only one having a big secret recipe cake with us.
Until the very last minute, we realize we dont have anything to light up the candle. =="
We lent from the makcik in the kitchen where she is cooking. lmao. xD
Light up and when we saw YenYee, we started to sing.
Ball Ball that time geh face expression tak di-capture-kan oleh anyone of us.
Too bad lar.. If not can post here let everyone see kan? xD
She seems surprise and happy..
Hope she is lor.. =D
We dont have class on friday we pun purposely go celebrate with you leh..
Say thank you lar ballball.. xD
The crowd claps and "woow" Yenyee after we finish singing..
Shy Shy ahh? lol..
Too bad that cake only for YenYee lor? lolx.
Kelian the Cake!!
Memang very te cha lar you.. haha!
Nothing much after that cause everyone busy enjoying the cake. lol
Surprise?! xD
I present you the CHOCO BANANA GurL!!
The Choco Banana GurL.
Still with her phone.
No Fun betul. Potong duhh.. -.-"
Cause i provide make up service for u all. haha!
Muka YenYee kena chocolate make up from me. haha..
After she wash that away..
There's smell all over her..
THAT IS WHY YenYee are Choco Banana GurL now.
Same goes to Terence Lee!! Hahahahaha!!
Both smell like Choco Banana, and they went into class with that "scent" lmao. xD
Hope their classmate dont mind. hohoho!!
Not like CheeWei. Ss. xD
Emo alone there.. sienx lor hor? =X
Cake with Chicken Rice Chili leh..
Kaii Wan Siao!! lmao!! xD
Lou gong mar hor? xD
Ball Ball Grow Bigger lor.
PingPong ball to Tennis ball.
Ahahahaha!! xD
We meet up with PuiYan and Kah Hoong at Ts.
We ate Sushi King because my bii dapat High Distinction in her French Beginner 2 ler.
Pandai kan? Have to belanja her makan dy lor.. hahaha!!
After Sushi we went Movie.
Not bad la the Movie. Haha.. More to Comedy. =)
Lepak around TS before heading home.
Day by day passed so fast lerhh.. =X
Hope it will slow down for the happy moment.
I want to meet up with my friends lar..
I miss them so much.
But of course my bii also. xD
Tatah!! =)
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