Monday sucks..
Assembly.. Bored like mad...
VI principal.. Very "Geng".. xD
"Who now got book "in" your hand, "pick up" ur hand now, i want see"LoL.. Don't laugh..People earning more than 5k per month.. Can you?! zzzz...
Est, Shanti bugging us with those problems left by the scouters and cleanliness after campfire..
PJ, my leg not functioning as wat i want..
Kena ejek duh.. just cause i miss few shot.. x.X
Recess, there's one junior came to me and ask for signature..
For ur info, it's the orientation week for them.. (CLU orientation)..
The task i gave him.. "tapao two chicken rice, send it to my class immidiately!!"
I paid him la okay?! LoL..
I'm the last to sign his log book.. Till now, i only sign his.. lolx..
I shall make others suffer when they want my signature.. Muahaha! xD
Moral, teacher mumbling till i get out from the class.. Zzz.. Run away from her.. Haha!!
Chemistry, two period to do correction and hand in a Complete Peka..
Add Math, learn bout double angle or watever shyt la..
Tak faham langsung.. Half way everyone letak kepala on the table..
I joined.. Teacher ask "kenapa??"
Kepala tak fungsi cikgu!! Error occur dalam otak!! shouted one of my fren..
Teacher burst into laugh.. xD
Teacher said she'll teach again next class..
Math Modern, Leong din come in teach... This teacher report to our form teacher we din enter his class.. so who's not entering the class now?? Zzzz.. Dunno what he want.. Weather he teach or not, we still tak tau what he wanna do.. o.O
Went home striahgt after school..
Darn tired after 24hours din sleep again..
Went home with Meng Tsu but a fat ass joined us while we waiting for train..
Dam him.. hate him!! But nvm la.. >.<"
I had to take bus home and luciky, time was perfect as i reached the busstop, so do the bus.. xD
Sat beside a sick man. sneezing all the way.. he went down at the General Hospital..
Don't be afraid.. i'm still strong and alive here.. LoL..
Tomorrow open day..
Holiday!! Mom not going..
Not free.. -,-"